The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) was created to help small and medium scale businesses and business owners by providing them the right tools for faster growth.
The mandate of SMEDAN as contained in the enabling Act can be summarized as follows:
- Stimulating, monitoring and coordinating the development of the MSMEs sub-sector;
- Initiating and articulating policy ideas for small and medium enterprises growth and development;
- Promoting and facilitating development programmes, instruments and support services to accelerate the development and modernization of MSME operations;
- Serving as vanguard for rural industrialization, poverty reduction, job-creation and enhanced livelihoods;
- Linking MSMEs to internal and external sources of finance, appropriate technology, technical skills as well as to large enterprises;
- Promoting and providing access to industrial infrastructures such as layouts, incubators, industrial parks;
- Intermediating between MSMEs and Government [SMEDAN is the voice of the MSMEs];
- Working in contact with other institutions in both public and private sector to create a good enabling environment of business in general, and MSME activities in particular.
MEDAN Benefits
- Financial Services
Get access to loans from multiple providers, grants from governmental and private organizations, and insurance.
- Private Sector Benefits
SMEDAN gives you access to private sector benefits like trainings and educational content by professionals, consultants, private investments opportunities and more.
- Government Benefits
Get business support from the government by signing up to SMEDAN. These benefits include conditional grants and many more.
For more info, visit