The National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency (NSRMEA) is a geo-scientific information centre for investors and researchers in the solid minerals sector, through the collective efforts of well trained, dedicated and motivated workforce that is technologically driven and focused.

The Agency’s services are founded on responsive personal attention and delivery of technical excellence. Our diverse staff of geoscientists, engineers, and information technology specialists provides a wide range of technical resources and depth of professional experience to fit our clients’ project requirements.

Our Vision: To be a world class Geo-Scientific Information Centre for investors and researchers in iron and steel industry through the collective efforts of well trained, dedicated and motivated workforce that is technology driven and focused.

Our Mission: To generate reliable steel making raw materials databank for investors in the iron and steel industry using world best mineral exploration services


  • We are committed to the service of humanity having integrity as our watchword
  • To put Nigeria first in all we do, dedicating our time and selfless effort to her growth and socio-economic prosperity
  • To shun indecency and corruption in our workplace, extolling the virtues of hard work and sacrifice

What We Do

  1. Drilling & Other Engineering Services   The Agency’s drilling professionals have extensive experience on a diverse range of projects which results in fast, high-quality project design and implementation.
  2. Geophysical Survey Services   All activities concerned with the Earth’s subsurface, like geological mapping, mineral exploration, groundwater development, environmental monitoring etc. involve the integrated and intelligent assembly & interpretation of many types of geoinformation.
  3. Geochemical, Mineralogical and Petrographic Tests/ Analyses/Studies   The major factor which finally decides if a mineral deposit will ever be exploited is the technical ability of the engineer to produce saleable products at a socially acceptable cost.
  4. Sample Preparation Services   Sample preparation is concerned with the production of a homogenous and representative sub-sample of the original material whilst minimizing the risk of contamination.
  5. Geographic Information System (GIS) Services   Geographic Information System (GIS) Services rely increasingly on digital spatial data, acquired from remotely sensed images, analysed by GIS and visualized on the computer screen or paper.
  6. Surface Water & Groundwater Exploration   Surface Water & Groundwater Exploration: Our near nation-wide presence offers our clients the added benefit of local experience, resulting in cost effective and timely services.

For more info, visit www.nsrmea.gov.ng


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