The Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) was established by the NIHSA Act 2010 and signed into law on 27th August, 2010. The Act is published in the Official Gazette of the Federal Government of Nigeria No. 100, Vol.97 of 31st August, 2010.

The Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) came into being as a result of the transformation of the former Department of Hydrology and Hydrogeology of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources. The Agency was established to fill a yawning gap created by lack of an appropriate platform for provision of the vital hydrological data required for sustainable development.

It has the statutory responsibility for water resources assessment in terms of quantity, quality, occurrence and availability in time and space. This leads to generation of hydrological and hydrogeological parametric data needed for implementation of programs and execution of projects relating to water resources development such as construction of boreholes, dams, weirs, for water supply, irrigation, power generation, mining and agriculture. NIHSA is also charged with the responsibility to issue forecast on floods, droughts etc.

The Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) is a governmental Agency established under the Federal Ministry of Water Resources.

The Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) provides the services required for assessment of Nigeria’s surface and ground water resources in terms of quantity, quality, distribution and availability in terms and space for efficient and sustainable management of water resources. Consequently, the Agency operates and maintains hydrological stations nationwide and also carries out ground water exploration and monitoring using various scientific technics in order to provide hydrogeological data needed for proper planning, design, execution and management of water resources and allied projects.


  • To provide services required for assessment of the nation’s surface and groundwater resources in terms of quantity, quality, distribution and availability in time and space; for efficient and sustainable management of the resources.
  • To operate and maintain hydrological stations nationwide and carryout groundwater exploration and monitoring using various scientific techniques in order to provide hydrological and hydrogeological data needed for planning, design, execution and management of water resources and allied projects.

Vision: To create a dynamic and advanced hydrological service with capabilities of facilitating and supporting the harnessing, controlling, preserving, development and management of Nigeria’s valuable water resources in a sustainable manner.

Mission: To provide information on the status and trends of the nation’s water resources including its location in time and space, extent, dependability, quality and the possibilities of its utilization and control, through the provision of reliable and high quality hydrological and hydrogeological data on a continuous basis.


  • Annual Flood Outlook Publication
  • Hydrological Year Book
  • Scientific Bulletin
  • Flood Vulnerability Map
  • Hydrological Data
  • Stage and Discharge Measurement Data
  • Borehole Directory


  • Water Resources Assessment
  • Ground Water Investigation
  • Tetrameter Renting / Hiring
  • Pumping Test and Analysis
  • Hydrogeochemical Analysis
  • Discharge Measurement
  • DIP Meter (Hiring)


Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency has a number of specialized projects/programmes fashioned towards monitoring and assessment of the water resources of the country for sustainable development.

  • National Hydrometric Network
  • Hydrogeological Mapping Of Nigeria
  • River Discharge Measurement
  • Operation And Maintenance Of Data Collection Platform
  • Flood Vulnerability Maps And Flood Plain Investigation Programme
  • Groundwater Monitoring Network
  • Flood Early Warning
  • Hydronet (Computer) Information Systems
  • Annual Flood Outlook /Sensitization Exercise
  • Special Catchment Area Studies
  • Sediment Transport Studies
  • Hydrogeophysical Investigation
  • Monitoring For Environment And Security In Africa (MESA)

Vision: To create a dynamic and advanced hydrological service with capabilities of facilitating and supporting the harnessing, controlling, preserving, development and management of Nigeria’s valuable water resources in a sustainable manner.

Mission: To provide information on the status and trends of the nation’s water resources including its location in time and space, extent, dependability, quality and the possibilities of its utilization and control, through the provision of reliable and high quality hydrological and hydrogeological data on a continuous basis.

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