Nigerian Copyright Commission

The Nigerian Copyright Commission   Established under section 34 of the Copyright Act (Cap C28, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004) the Nigerian Copyright Commission was inaugurated on 19 August 1989, first as the Nigerian Copyright Council. It was elevated to the status of a commission in April 1996 and this administrative change was confirmed by the Copyright (Amendment) Decree 1999.

Statutory duties

The Commission is the government agency responsible for all copyright matters in Nigeria including the administration, regulation, enforcement and prosecution under the Copyright Act. Its statutory authority includes:

  1. responsibility for all matters affecting copyright in Nigeria as provided for in the Act;
  2. monitoring and supervising Nigeria’s position in relation to international conventions and advising Government thereon;
  3. advising and regulating conditions for the conclusion of bilateral and multilateral agreements between Nigeria and any other country;
  4. enlightening and informing the public on matters relating to copyright;
  5. maintaining an effective data bank on authors and their works;
  6. responsibility for such other matters as relate to copyright in Nigeria as the Minister may, from time to time, direct.

The Commission is also charged with the following statutory responsibilities under the Copyright Act:

  1. the certification of countries that are parties to treaty obligations for the purpose of determining whether a copyright work may enjoy copyright by virtue of such international obligation. Such a certificate is conclusive proof of that fact. (Section 5)
    1. the regulation of the conditions for the exercise of the right of an author of graphic works, three-dimensional works and manuscripts to share in the proceeds of any sale of that work or manuscript by public auction or through a dealer. (Section 13)
    1. the issuance of exemption certificate for the purpose of enabling an otherwise unapproved collecting society to commence action for the infringement of copyright or any right under the Copyright Act. (Section 17)
    1. the prescription of anti-piracy devices for use on, in, or in connection with any work in which copyright subsists. (Section 21)
    1. the authorisation of the reproduction, communication to the public and adaptation of expressions of folklore for commercial purposes outside their traditional or customary contexts. (Section 31)
    1. the granting of compulsory licences in accordance with the provisions of the Fourth Schedule to the Act as well as the establishment and regulation of the Copyright Licensing Panel. (Section 37)
    1. the appointment of copyright inspectors as it may deem fit. (Section 38)
    1. the approval and regulation of collecting societies for the purpose of the Copyright Act. (Section 39)
    1. the receipt and disbursement of funds arising from the imposition of compulsory levy on copyright materials. (Section 40)
    1. the regulation of the conditions necessary for the operation of a business involving the production, public exhibition, hiring or rental of any work in which copyright subsists under the Act. (Section 45(1)
    1. the carrying out of such directives of a general or special character with respect to its functions as the Minister may give. (Section 50)

Source: Wikipedia

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