National Bureau of Statistics

The Statistics Act, 2007 empowers National Bureau of Statistics as custodian of official statistics in Nigeria, the main agency responsible for the development and management of official statistics in promoting statistics as a tool for development planning and evidence based policy making.


  • Coordination of the National Statistical System
  • Advice the Federal, State, Local Government on all matters related to Statistical Development.
  • Developing and promoting use of statistical standards and appropriate methodologies in the National Statistical System.
  • Collecting, compiling, analysing, interpreting, publishing and disseminating Statistical Information alone or in collaboration with other agencies both the governmental and non-governmental agencies
  • Developing and maintaining a comprehensive socio-economic national data bank.
  • Provide a focal point of contact with International Agencies on statistical matter.
  • Fulfil all other functions relating to statistics which the Federal Government may entrust to it.

Source: www.trade.gov.ng

Mission statement: To generate, on a continuous and sustainable basis, socio-economic statistics on all facets of development in Nigeria.

Vision statement: To become one of the foremost and modern knowledge-based national statistical offices in Africa and indeed the world.

For info, visit www.nigerianstat.gov.ng


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