The National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI) was established to promote and develop science, technology, and engineering infrastructure in the country. It was also set up to address various challenges and needs in Nigeria’s scientific and technological development. It has a network of 12 Development Institutes spread across Nigeria each with its own focus area and mandate.
The National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI) is the only on-purpose built intervention agency of the Federal Government under the Presidency whose mandate include nurturing an appropriate and dynamic Science and Engineering infrastructure base for achieving home initiated and home sustained industrialization for Nigeria. The mandate of the Agency includes the development of relevant processes, capital goods and equipment necessary for job creation, national economic well-being and progress. The Agency took deliberate interest in key areas of science and engineering development because any nation that aspires to attain socio-economic transformation must definitely invest in them in order to engender competition.
For over three decades, the National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI) has been committed to a unique and enduring mission: to establish and nurture an appropriate and dynamic Science and Engineering Infrastructure-base for achieving home-initiated and home-sustained industrialization through the development of relevant processes, capital goods, and equipment necessary for job creation, national economic well-being, and progress.
The genesis of NASENI dates back to 1992, when it was established by the Federal Government following the recommendations of the White Paper Committee on the 1991 Report of a 150-member National Committee on Engineering Infrastructure. Since then, NASENI has been the only purpose-built intervention agency of the Federal Government under the Presidency, designed to conduct developmental work in the areas of manufacturing.
NASENI explicitly strives for transformational change instead of incremental advances. It does not perform its engineering alchemy in isolation. It works within an innovation ecosystem that includes academic, corporate, and governmental partners, with a constant focus on the Nation’s industrial Services, which work with NASENI to create new strategic opportunities and novel tactical options.
NASENI’s mandate focuses on capital goods research, production, and reverse engineering with respect to the following broad areas:.
- Engineering Materials
- Industrial and Analytical Chemical Materials
- Scientific Equipment and components
- Engineering Equipment
- Engineering Designs and Standardization
Our Vision: Fuelling Nigeria’s innovation for a sustainable future.
Our Mission: To develop and maintain a dynamic science and engineering infrastructure to drive indigenous industrialization, job creation, and national progress
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